About the book
This book is grounded on close reading of Scripture,
informed by the wisdom and experience of decades of ministerial service.
It is not written for the expert theologian, though, but for anyone who
desires a deeper understanding of this prayer and why it is a model for
all believers.
The higher motive of prayer is to desire
communion and fellowship with God. We are to thank and praise God for his
goodness. We are to confess sin and accept God's forgiveness and cleansing
We are to intercede for others. We are to pray to know God's will and for
the strength and courage to do it.
This prayer is too big for the bigot, or the rugged individualist, or
the loner. It is a prayer of brothers and sisters in the family of God the
Father for each other. All whose faith is in Jesus the Christ are children
of God through that faith.
You cannot truly pray "our Father" if you do not accept all
Christians everywhere as your brothers and sisters in the family of God.
To the degree that you harbor any prejudice, bias, or discrimination in
your heart toward those of another race, culture, class, or nation you
violate the spirit of this prayer. 
About the Author
ROBERT ERNEST POSTON is a retired Baptist minister
now living in Hendersonville, North Carolina. He is a graduate of
Washington University in St. Louis and of the Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has served as a home missionary and
has pastored churches in Kentucky and North Carolina and taught at the
Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute in Fruitland, North Carolina. He is
currently working on a compilation of sermons from his years in the
pulpit. He is a father, a grandfather, and a great-grandfather. His prayer
is that all who may read this treatment of the Lord’s Prayer will be
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