Ode to the Great Blue Heron: A Poetry and Prose Anthology

Status: Estimated: 50 to 90 pages perfect bound 1 March–31 March 2026

  • Submissions accepted only via on line form (added to this page later). 
  • Submissions accepted from a former contributor or someone recommended by a former contributor.
  • Only one submission per poet/writer.
  • Poem may not exceed 38 lines (includes title author's name and a blank line prior to the poem) flash fiction should not exceed 325 words (bottom line is that the flash fiction must fit on a 5.5"x8.5" page with .5 top and bottom and .75 right and left margins)
  • NOTE: Contributors may purchase the book at a reduced rate upon publication. 
Old Mountain Press  will publish a collection of poetry/short stories by a number of writers. Our goal is to gather enough quality poems and short shorts for an estimated 50 to 90 page book with the theme of anything relating to, waterfowl, beaches, oceans, lakes, rivers, towns on or around the water or Spring. Would like to have as many poets and prose writers involved as possible. Requirements are below. Authors receive publishing credit and retain all rights to their work but agree to the inclusion of their poem in this collection of poetry.
  • Author must have rights to the poem (previously published OK). 
  • Poem may not exceed 38 lines flash fiction may not exceed 325 words (this includes title, spaces, and author's name). 
  • Poetry lines that  exceed 55 letters and spaces will wrap and count as two lines.
  • Initially, only one poem/flash fiction per writer, so give it your best shot:-)
  • Sample title and first line below

Title of Poem/Flash Fiction
Author's Name

Begin poem/flash fiction

Submit Your Work

About the cover photo: Photo by Carolyn York...

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About the book

Anything  relating to waterfowl, beach, ocean, lake, rivers, towns or people, on or in the water or Spring. .

Sample of the work TBP:

The Great Blue Heron

     Tom Davis


glides with wings six feet tip to tip

along the winding river

flairs and lights on the bank

among the mountain rhododendrons.

There he stands on stick legs

yellow tipped beak

sleek blue-gray body


still as death


neck coiled snake-like


The cold water ripples

he strikes

bringing up supper

he stretches his neck

shakes his head

then swallows.

The rainbow trout

bulges in his neck.

He looks left

then right

still as death

he stands


as life on the river

flows by.

Tom Davis ’ publishing credits include Poets Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today, Georgia Athlete, The Fayetteville Observer’s Saturday Extra, A Loving Voice Vol. I and II, Special Warfare., and Winston-Salem Writers’ POETRY IN PLAIN SIGHT program for 2013 and 2021. He has authored several books. Tom, A retired Special Forces soldier, has completed his memoir, The Most Fun I ever Had With My Clothes: On A March from Private to Colonel. He lives in Sylva, NC.



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