109: A Poetry and Prose Anthology. Published by Old Mountain
Press. The book's theme remembering times gone by. This anthology is
94 pages consists of poems by 72 poets/writers from across the country.
About the Contributors |
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About the book
A collection of poetry and prose remembering times gone by.
Samples of included works
Highway Fifteen, Pennsylvania Joanna Catherine Scott A well-turned cowboy boot set on the riding platform White line flashing in the center of the road My father, navigating over horn-rimmed Four sleepy locals, grinning, calling out directions My daughter in the rear view mirror Hot sun, a single cloud, reared up along the edges of the road to let us pass, Joanna Catherine Scott is the author of the novels Child of the South, The Road from Chapel Hill, The Lucky Gourd Shop, Charlie, and Cassandra, Lost; the non-fiction Indochina’s Refugees: Oral Histories from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam; and the prizewinning poetry collections Night Huntress, Fainting at the Uffizi, and Breakfast at the Shangri-la. A graduate of the University of Adelaide and Duke University, she was born in England, raised in Australia, and now lives in Chapel Hill, NC. |
Ethelena Jackson Brown I WAS BORN in Baconton, GA in 1915. As a little girl, each week in the
summertime the “ice man” day was most important. He drove the horse
and wagon filled with sawdust and 50-pound blocks of ice. I can still hear
his voice now, calling “ICE MAN, ICE MAN.” He had some huge tongs that
he used to pick up the blocks of ice and put in our ice box. If we gave
out during the week, we could always drive over to the icehouse in our
little black Ford and get a replacement. The ice pick was a most important
tool in those days. The above are excerpts from Ethelena’s autobiography Growing up Southern: in Baconton, Georgia. Ethelena Jackson Brown was born in Baconton, GA, on January 8, 1915, and has lived in Macon, GA, since her graduation from college in 1937. For twenty years, she taught highschool English and an assortment of other subjects. Today the joy of her life is spending time with six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Excerpts from her recently published autobiography, Growing up Southern In Baconton, Georgia. made up her contribution to this anthology. |
Ann Adams lives with her husband on a farm in southwestern
Oklahoma. Agraduate of Cameron
University, her work has been featured in a number of journals including
Ruminate, Westview, Oklahoma Review, Whistling Shade, and Passager.
Sandra Ervin Adams’
poetry has appeared in all previous Old Mountain Press anthologies. When
she isn’t writing poetry, Sandra can be found practicing her
organizational skills at home in Jacksonville, NC, reading books and
watching dvds about the paranormal, playing a trivia game on the UK
Chatterbox site, and scooping kitty litter pans.
Russell Barneslives in Wilson, NC. She has had many poems published
in literary journals and anthologies including Crucible, Pembroke
Magazine, Wellspring, Here’s to the Land, Earth and Soul, Poets for
Peace, Looking Back, and others. She has served on the boards of the
NC Poetry Society and the Poetry Council of NC. Frederick
Bassett’s poems have been published in more than fifty journals
and anthologies. Paraclete Press has published two books of poetry that he
created from “found” lyrics — Love: The Song of Songs (2002)
and Awake My Heart (1998). A retired academic, he currently lives
at Hilton Head with his wife Peg. Joann Bishop
has been published in a book Tale Spinners in Canada. Her poems
include “Birds Walking on Wire”, “Peacocks” and “Wildlife
Preservation”. She enjoys writing about botanical gardens, historical
sites and nature poems. She is in the processing of completing a nature
book of poems with photographs she has taken herself. She currently lives
in Jacksonville, NC. Ervene Boyd
has published previously in OMP’s Anthologies and various publications
over the years. This poem was written in memory of her father, a social
maverick seeking independence and adventure all the days of his life. She
lives in her native town of Raleigh, NC. As a poet, multi-media artist,
wedding minister, reiki teacher and traveling adventure-seeker herself,
Ervene enjoys family, friends and new experiences in the paradox of
diversity abundant around her. Jerry
Bradley spent the past thirty years in the US Air Force from
which he retired in August 2009. He and his wife Laura were stationed at
ten different militarylocations
during that time frame. He has the opportunity to write many poems during
his career, most of which are related to his faith, his family or the
military. He and his wife are currently living in Fayetteville, NC. Ethelena
Jackson Brown was born in Baconton, GA, on January 8, 1915,and
has lived in Macon, GA, since her graduation from college in 1937. For
twenty years, she taught highschool English and an assortment of other
subjects. Today the joy of her life is spending time with six
grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Excerpts from her recently
published autobiography, Growing up Southern In Baconton, Georgia.
made up her contribution to this anthology. Stuart
Burroughs has been involved since childhood in visual art, poetry,
and music. She has taught English and art, and her art hangs in many
homes. A collection of her poems, Beyond the Hills, can be
purchased on Amazon.com or from The Chapel Hill Press. Her poems have
appeared in anthologies and other publications. Stuart lives in Chapel
Hill, NC, where she writes, paints, and plays piano for others. -C- Bud Caywood
lives and works in Alexander County, NC, where he is a freelance furniture
designer, artist and writer. He has been creating art and word for more
than thirty-five years. His prose and poems have appeared in many journals
and anthologies including Thundersandwich, Iodine Poetry Journal,
Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, and Pinesong by The NC Poetry
Society. He has written one full-length collection of poetry and eleven
chapbooks. Jim Clark
is the Elizabeth H. Jordan Professor of Southern Literature at Barton
College in Wilson, North Carolina. His books include Notions: A Jim
Clark Miscellany, Dancing on Canaan’s Ruins, Handiwork, and Fable
in the Blood: The Selected Poems of Byron Herbert Reece. He has also
released a CD of original poems and Appalachian folk music, Buried Land,
and two CDs, Wilson and Words to Burn, with his band The
Near Myths. Ed Cockrell
lives in Orange County just outside Chapel Hill, NC. He writes poetry when
he can. Jacob Collett,
was born in Birmingham, AL and currently lives in Berry, AL. He attends
Berry High School where he is currently a junior. He is seventeen years
old. Someday he would like to have his own book of poetry to share with
the world. Sonja Contois
is an award-winning author with short stories in Mountain High, The
Outer Side of Life, and Christmas Presence. A former factotum,
Sonja is now a full-time writer living in the beautiful mountains of
Western North Carolina. Russell Crews
lives in Orangeburg, South Carolina. He was born and reared in Dothan,
Alabama. His work has appeared in OMP’s Sand, Sea and Sail; Night
Whispers; and Southern Mist. He recently published his second
book of poetry Windows of the Heart. Russell teaches Physical
Education at Allendale Elementary School in Allendale, South Carolina. His
short story, “William’s Triumph”, is based on a true story. Dawn
Culverwell has been published in WNC Woman, Old Mountain Press. She
writes stories, poems and she is currently finishing a children’s
series, The Adventures of Amanda Starr, using her author name, DC
ROWE, for hopeful publication Dawn resides in Hendersonville, NC, with her
husband and cat. -d- Phebe
Davidson is Reviews Editor of Yemassee and a staff
writer for The Asheville Poetry Review. Her most recent books of
poems are Fat Moon Rising (Main Street Rag, 2008) and The
Surface of Things (David Robert Books, 2009). A new chapbook, Seven
Mile, is forthcoming from Main Street Rag. She lives in Westminster,
SC with her husband Steve and their cat Fripp. -e- Terri Kirby
Erickson is the author of Thread Count. Her second
collection, Telling Tales of Dusk, is forthcoming from Press 53 in
September, 2009. Her work has been published by or is forthcoming in Bay
Leaves, Blue Fifth Review, Broad River Review, Christian Science Monitor,
Dead Mule, JAMA, Long Story Short, Muse India, Old Mountain
Press, Paris Voice, Pinesong, Pisgah Review, Relief, Smoking Poet,
Still Crazy, Thieves Jargon, Wild Goose Poetry Review, and many
others. -f- Sue Farlow
is the president of the North Carolina Poetry Society. She is a previous
contributor to Old Mountain Press. She teaches English, yearbook and
journalism at Asheboro High School. She has two grown sons, two
grandpuppies and lives on a 55 acre farm in Climax, NC with her husband,
cows, dogs and psycho cat LouLou. Ann Fogelman,
a writer of memoirs in prose and poetry, was born in Reading, Pa. She
reads at open mics, workshops, seminars and various writing groups. Her
work has been published in several anthologies including The Outer Side of
Life and various school publications. She is a member of the Bay Area
Writers League, The Arts Alliance Center, Gulf Coast Poets,and Poetry
Society of Texas. Ann lives in Friendswood, TX. Dare Freeman
Ford, of Hendersonville, NC, has a background in education. Ford
published Don’t Make me Turn this Bus Around, a chronicle of her
adventures as a teenage bus driver in her native Anson County, NC. Her
work has appeared in several regional publications and Old Mountain Press
anthologies, most recently The Outer Side of Life. She also
contributed to Christmas Presence, edited by Celia Miles and Nancy
Dillingham. -g- James
Gibson combined his love of the American West and his
fascination with Native American shamanism to write the fivenovels
of the Anasazi Princess series. He also wrote The Last Ride,
a traditional Western set outside Tucson, Arizona. All six novels are
available at www.pentaclespress.com.
The Anasazi Princess novels are also available at Amazon.com and
through Barnes & Noble bookstores. Tom Gluzinski
has written poetry since he was a child and continues to write and publish
today. His work covers many areas of interest and he uses several forms in
his writing. This is his third effort for an Old Mountain anthology; De
Oppresso Liber being the first, Night Whispers the second, Southern
Mist, and now Exit 109. Tom lives in Lindenhurst, IL. Marian Gowan,
a graduate of Tufts University, retired to Hendersonville, NC from western
NY. She contributed to American Patchwork, St. Martins Press. Her
work has appeared in regional publications, including WNC-Woman,
and in several Old Mountain Press anthologies, most recently, The Outer
Side of Life. She contributed to Christmas Presence, edited by
Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham. Bill
Griffin is a small town family doc (Elkin, NC) who has trimmed
many an old woman’s toenails. His most recent chapbook is Snake Den
Ridge, a bestiary (March Street Press 2008), illustrated by his wife
Linda French Griffin. -h- Kerri Mai
Habben lives in Raleigh, NC, where she works as a writer and a
photographer. Her article, essays, and poetry have appeared in literary
journals and other publications. Some of her work can be read at www.newsobserver.com/nrn/habben/2007.
Currently, she is working on a novel, set in 1929 at a tuberculosis
sanitarium. Ken Hada’s
poetry appears in his latest book, The Way of the Wind, and in
journals such as Oklahoma Today, Flint Hills Review, Poesia, and
others. He directs the Scissortail Creative Writing Festival and lives in
Ada, OK. Mark Harden
is a retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 3. He manages Veterans
Affairs at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas. He lives in
Georgetown, Texas with his wife, Kathy. JanetL.
Harvey lives Thornhill Ontario, Canada shehave
had numerous poems published in a variety of Canadian and US magazinesand anthologies including Sterling silver, feminine magazine, Word
dance. Stella showcase Journal, Artist for a better world-sprit of
humanity. Old mountain press- Night whispers. She is Poetry Canada’s
Global contest winner. MaXine Carey
Harker is a wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, poet/writer,teacher
of creative writing, information junkie, who grewup
in the sagebrush country of SW Idaho later exchanging it for the lush
greenery of Eastern NC. She lives with her husband, Berkley, inGrifton,
NC in the same little house on the same street for 50+ years. Her epitaph?
She tried to do it all before she died –and
it killed her. Joseph Haymore
is the current president of the Writers’ Ink Guild of Fayetteville/
Cumberland Co. A native North Carolinian, he attended Ben Haven High
School in Olivia, NC. He spent 20 years in the military, retiring as an
Army SFC. He is largely self-taught as a poet. His mentor and chief critic
is his wife, Catherine. Elizabeth
MacKenzie Hebron lives in Westland, MI, with her husband and
two dogs. Her work has been published in Bellowing Ark, Maxis Review,
Water Flying Annual, and in two anthologies, Love Grandma:
Grandmothers Against the War and The Outer Side of Life. -j- Karen Luke
Jacksonis a retreat leader
and facilitator with the Center for Courage & Renewal who uses the
power of story to help people connect role and soul. Her poems and essays
have appeared in Alive Now, Hungryhearts, Mountain High, and Ascent
Aspirations, a Canadian anthology.Karen
lives in Hendersonville, NC, where she enjoys hiking and playing with
grandchildren. ArnieJohanson
retired from a career as a philosophy professor in Minnesota, moving to
Durham, NC, where he currently resides, in 1999. His work has appeared in
various periodicals and he is the author of one chapbook of poetry, A
Man and A Horse. Jerry Judge
lives in Cincinnati and is the author of six poetry chapbooks with the
latest being Outlaw Poet (Pudding House Publications, 2008). He is active
with the Greater Cincinnati Writers’ League and the Cincinnati Writers’
Project. He works for Big Brothers Big Sisters. He’s the proud father of
two grown sons – a college student and a firefighter/paramedic. He and
his gorgeous wife share a home with three cats and a dog. -k- Debra Kaufman,
a poet and playwright, is the author of the poetry collections Family
of Strangers (Nightshade), Still Life Burning (Poetry Society
of South Carolina), A Certain Light (Emrys), and, most recently, Moon
Mirror Whiskey Wind (Pudding House). She is working on a full-length
play, The Fairest. She is a member of the Black Socks poets and
lives in Mebane, NC. K. D. Kennedy,
Jr. has published two books of poetry, Our Place In Time (2002)
and Waiting Out In The Yard (2006). He has been published in the
Barton College Crucible, In the Yard, a poetry anthology, and several
other anthologies. He is presently writing short stories along with
poetry, and is researching a novel. KD and his wife Sara Lynn live in
Raleigh, NC. Jo Koster teaches
medieval literature and writing at Winthrop University. Recent work has
appeared in the collections The Outer Side of Life(Old Mountain
Press) and A Cadence of Hooves (Yarroway Mountain Press) and in the
e-zine More than Words. Her most recent chapbook, No Going Home,
was published by Devil’s Millhopper Press. She lives in comfortable
chaos and in Rock Hill, SC. -l- Patsy Kennedy
Lain lives in Hubert, NC, and was selected as one of the 2009
Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series adult students. Her works
include: short stories in The Daily News, and the Art Council’s
2008 anthology, New River High Tide; short stories and poetry in a
local senior’s 2007 Ol’ Timers’ Tales; poetry in 2008
anthology, The Outer Side of Life; and poetry online with Dead
Mule, March 2009. Patsy placed in both 2008 and 2009 Senior
Games. Blanche L.
Ledford’s work has appeared in Mountain High, Southern Mist,
Moonshine and Blind Mules, Lights in the Mountains, and other
publications. Her essay, Planting by the Signs, received first
place with the Cherokee County 2008 Senior Games. Blanche lives in
Hayesville, NC and enjoys gardening, reading, and writing. Brenda Kay
Ledford is a member of North Carolina Writers’ Network and North
Carolina Poetry Society. She’s listed with A Directory of American
Poets and Fiction Writers. Her work has appeared in Mountain High,
Southern Mist, Appalachian Heritage, Asheville Poetry Review, Our State,
and other journals. She received the Paul Green Award for her chapbook, Shew
Bird Mountain. Finishing Line Press released her poetry chapbook, Sacred
Fire, in 2008. Brenda lives in Hayesville, NC. Michael Hugh
Lythgoe’s chapbook, BRASS, won the Kinloch Rivers Contest in
2006. He is a retired Air Force officer now living in Aiken, SC. Mike
teaches for the Academy For Lifelong Learning at USCA. His full collectionof
poems,HOLY WEEK, is available at Amazon.com. He is a contributing
editor and reviewer for Windhover. Lythgoe graduated from St. Louis
U. His MFA is from Bennington. -m- David Treadway
Manning is a California native living in Cary, NC. A Pushcart
nominee, his poems have appeared in various journals, five chapbooks and
the full-length collection,The Flower Sermon, published by Main
Street Rag in 2007. He admits to an affinity with the works of H.P.
Lovecraft. Susan
McKendree is a poet, writer, and collage artist who builds shrines
using paper, textiles, boxes, and found materials. She calls herself a
Poet Midwife. Her work has appeared in a previous OMP anthology, as well
as WNC Woman. She has published a chapbook of poems entitled The
Age of Miracles. Susan lives with three rare diminutive tigers who
graciously share their home with her outside Weaverville, NC. Halle C
Meyer, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, resides joyfully in
Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband, three children and three cats!
She bleeds light blue. Go Heels! Philip S.
Morse, a previous contributor to Old Mountain Press, is a professor
emeritus at the State University of New York at Fredonia. A 2007 award
winner in the North Carolina Poetry Council Contest, Phil is the author of
a book for the parents and caregivers of young children, Does a Pigeon
Bark?: 212 Fun, Educational Activities for Young Children and a
children’s story, Gloria Mae: The Heroine of Dunkirk Harbor. His
website is www.anteaterbooks.com. -n- Jerome Norris
lives with his beautiful wife by a pond near New Bern, NC. He’s a
reformed lawyer who now devotes full time to writing stories and poems and
watching the Baltimore Orioles lose baseball games. He has published
stories and poems in a number of magazines and anthologies, but
essentially remains a rank amateur. -o- Martha O’Quinn,
a native of NC, uses family stories and events as ideas for prose and
poetry. She currently lives in Hendersonville, NC, and has contributed to
five previous OMP anthologies, plus Christmas Presence, an
anthology edited by Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham; The Independent
Weekly; and in WNC-Woman. -p- D. Davis
Phillips was born in Beaufort on the coast of South Carolina, but
raised in the Carolina mountains, and is currently a working writer of
poetry and prose, studying in the Charlotte, NC area at Winthrop
University. When not at school, Davis resides in Walhalla, SC. Michael
Potts is a native of Smyrna, TN and currently lives in Linden,
NC. He is Professor of Philosophy at Methodist University in Fayetteville,
NC. Several of his poems have been published in literary journals and
anthologies, and his chapbook, From Field to Thicket, won the 2006
Mary Belle Campbell Poetry Book Award from the North Carolina Writers’
Network. -r- Joyce
Richardson is the author of an Appalachian novel, On Sunday Creek,
and a tarot chapbook, The Reader. Her short works have been
anthologized in Love After 70 and Bedpan Banter. Her short stories
and poems have appeared online in Moondance and Niteblade
and in print in Appalachian Heritage, Pinesong, The Writer,
and Riverwind among others. A poetry chapbook, Sailing without a
Sail is in the works at Pudding House. Joyce lives and works in
Athens, OH where she lives with her writer, husband, Phil. Phil
Richardson retired from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio where
he met his wife in a writing class. His story, “The Joker is Wild,”
was nominated for the 2005 Pushcart Prizeby
Storyteller Magazine. His work has appeared inNorthwoods
Review, Storyteller, Cafe Irreal, Digitalis Obscura, Word Catalyst,
Bending Spoon, Short Story Library, Love After 70 Anthology, Writing On
Walls Anthology, Outa’ Side of LIfe Anthology, and The Love of
Monsters Anthology Edwina Rooker grew
up in Warrenton, NC and currently lives in Bridgeton, NC, on the Neuse
River where she writes poetry and nonfiction. She hold degrees from Duke
University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her poems
have appeared in several Old Mountain Press publications. Her newspaper
column, Observations appears in The Warren Record. -s- Dr. Lynn Veach
Sadler, a former college president, has published widely in
academics and creative writing. Editor, poet, fiction/creative nonfiction
writer, and playwright, she has published a novella, short-story
collection, and chapbooks and has a full-length poetry collection and
novel forthcoming. She was named 2007 Writer of the Year by California’s
elizaPress and won Wayne State’s 2008 Pearson Award for a play on Iraq.
She lives in Sanford, NC. Joanna Catherine Scott is the author of the novels Child of the South, The Road from Chapel Hill, The Lucky Gourd Shop, Charlie, and Cassandra, Lost; the non-fiction Indochina’s Refugees: Oral Histories from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam; and the prizewinning poetry collections Night Huntress, Fainting at the Uffizi, and Breakfast at the Shangri-la. A graduate of the University of Adelaide and Duke University, she was born in England, raised in Australia, and now lives in Chapel Hill, NC. Judy Lewis
Shackleford grew up in Atlanta and wrote a weekly column for
the Atlanta Journal before moving to N.C. where she wrote about
dogs for the Fayetteville Observer. Her interest in dogs led her to
a career of instructing people and dogs in the art of understanding dog
behavior through obedience training. Being a romantic has led her writing
to encompass love in all it’s aspects. She lives with her husband and a
house full of rescued dogs in Fayetteville, NC. Marian Kaplun
Shapiro practices as a psychologist and poet in Lexington, MA. She
is the author of a professional book, Second Childhood (Norton,
1988); a poetry book, Players In The Dream, Dreamers In The Play
(Plain View Press, 2007); and two chapbooks: Your Third Wish,
(Finishing Line, 2007); and The End Of The World, Announced On
Wednesday (Pudding House, 2007).She was named Senior Poet Laureate of
Massachusetts in 2006 and again in 2008. Sybil Austin
Skakle’s poems have appeared in several anthologies, as well as
her own book, Searchings-Rocks Revelations Rainbows.She has
contributed to several works of prose, has published a memoir, Confessions
of an Outer Banks Filly and will soon introduce another. Sybil lives
in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Susan Snowden’s
stories, poems, and interviews have appeared in ten anthologies and a
variety of literary journals, including New Orleans Review, Now and
Then, Pisgah Review, and moonShine review. She has received
awards for her writing from Writer’s Digest magazine, the North
Carolina Writers’ Network, the Appalachian Writers’ Association, and
others. An Atlanta native, Susan now lives in western North Carolina,
where she works as a freelance book editor (www.SnowdenEditorial.com). Dorothea
Spiegel lives in Hiawassee, GA, belongs to NC Network West. She
studied Creative Writing at Tri-County College and John Campbell Folk
School. She has been published (usually poems) in various newspapers,
previous Mountain Press anthologies, and Lights in the Mountains,
the Freeing Jonah series, Atahita Journal and The Spirit of
Christmas. Tonya Staufer and
her husband of thirty-six years live in their new lake home outside
Saluda, NC. Tonya has recently returned to writing after a long hiatus.
She is as a real estate investment broker by day and a writer by night.
Her stories have been published in Spirit of the Smokies, Long Story
Short, Western North Carolina Woman, Moonshine Review, and anthologies
Sand, Sea and Sail, Mountain High, Night Whispers, Southern Mist,
Looking Back, Christmas Presence, and The Outer Side of Life. -t- Jo Barbara
Taylor lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, but is an Indiana farm
girl at heart. Her poems and academic writing have appeared in Mount
Olive Review, Beacon, Bay Leaves, Ibbetson Street, and on New Verse
News and will soon appear in The Broad River Review. She edits
the newsletter for the North Carolina Poetry Society. Katherine
Tracy lives in Thibodaux, LA with her husband Chuck Dellert. She
was born at Camp Leroy Johnson in New Orleans, LA. She is the mother of
two sons and a daughter, and the grandmother of three beautiful girls. She
holds a M.A. in English and teaches freshmen and sophomore English at
Nicholls State University. -w- Kathleen Wanamaker has lived in North Carolina on an old farm with herindulgent husband since 1982. As a mother with four children, she took on the seemingly impossible task of attending UNCP in order to graduate with a BA in English and History. A further perk was that she graduated with Chancellor’s honors do to excellent professors. She now lives in Fayetteville, NC. BETTY WATSON writes both poetry and short stories. Her stories have appeared in WNC Woman and moonShine review and her poems have been published in four previous Old Mountain Press anthologies. Betty and her husband Doug raised four daughters and moved to Flat Rock from MA in 1995. Charles “Hawk”
Weyant lives in Fayetteville, NC., where he has been a member of
Writers’ Ink Guild for over twenty years. A true imagist poet, he read
on Public Radio for ten years. He has been published in a dozen
anthologies and his first bookAn
Odyssey In Broken Rhythms And Ragged Lineswas
published in 2006. Stella Ward
Whitlock, author of Florida Heat, was a minister’s wife,
mother of four children, public school teacher, writer, Bible Study
leader, Sunday School teacher, church pianist, “mother” to five
exchange students, and adjunct instructor at Pembroke, UNCC, and Methodist
University until her last retirement in December of 2008. She has just
moved from Fayetteville, NC, to Glenaire Retirement Community in Cary, NC,
where she hopes to have more time for her own writing. Glenda Sumner
Wilkins grew up on a North Carolina tobacco farm, and daydreamed of
faraway places. Decades later, she and her husband lived in both
Luxembourg, and Geneva, Switzerland. Countries where published: USA;
Canada; Spain: Luxembourg; Switzerland; Great Britain. She is a member of
the NCPS and NCWN, and has won several poetry awards. Today, she resides
in Winterville, NC, with her husband, and Bustopher, the cat about town. Nancy H.
Womack lives near Rutherfordton, NC, in a house with 32 windows.
Her goal is to be able to look out any one of them and see something
beautiful–360 degrees of gardens surrounding the house. When not
gardening, she enjoys reading, writing, and entertaining. Her work has
appeared in various journals and several OMP anthologies. Barbara
Ledford Wright is a native of Clay County. She’s been
published in several previous Old Mountain Press anthologies including The
Outer Side of Life, Readers are Leaders (Express Yourself 101 Vol.2),
Muscadine: A Southern Journal, Fireflies and June Bugs,Christmas Presence and
others. She’s a teacher, quilter, family historian, wife and mother and
presently resides in Shelby, NC. -y- C. PLEASANTS YORK is writing a book about World War II and the influence on the small town of Monroe, NC, telling about the “shadow children” in a military family who grew up in the shadow of the war. She lives in Sanford, NC, and works at The Artists’ Loft for the Lee County Arts Council. Joseph
Youngblood is a retired Navy Deep Sea Diver, Merchant Mariner, and
Civil Service Mental Health Counselor, serving for forty years. Joseph has
traveled the world and lived for extended periods in five countries other
than the United States, as well as in many of the States. He is currently
in private practice as a psychotherapist in Fayetteville, NC, which he
calls home - and where he lives with his family.
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