Home for the Holidays: A Poetry & Prose Anthology ISBN: 1-884778-45-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-884778-45-2 94 pg $15.00 + $2.00 P&H add and additional $.50 per additonal book Old Mountain Press has published a collection of poetry and prose (short shorts) by a 68 poets. The theme of this anthology is Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or the Winter season. Send check or money order to: |
![]() Publication is dependent on receiving sufficient quality poems for inclusion in the anthology. This work will be dedicated to all the men and women who are serving this great country in our armed forces and who can not be Home for the Holidays.
Ackerman is the author of three chapbooks of poetry and a
critical biography of proletarian novelist Olive Dargan (a.k.a.
Fielding Burke) titled The Heart of Revolution, University of
Tennessee Press, 2004. She is a Writer-in-Residence at Isothermal
Community College in Spindale, NC.
Sandra Ervin Adams’ poetry
has appeared in The Magpie’s Nest, The Lyricist, ByLine,
Shemom, Tale Spinners, Write On!!, In the Yard,
and Mountain Time. She won First Place in the Silver Arts –
Literary Arts Program, Onslow Senior Games, Jacksonville, NC, 2006.
Matthew G. Adams won
Third Place in the West Virginia Poetry Society Contest, 1992, Second
Place in the Youngsters of Unity Contest, 1994, Jacksonville, NC,
Honorable Mention in the West Virginia Poetry Society Contest, 1995.
His poetry has appeared in Coastal Plains Poetry, Vol III, Fall
1994, and Mountain Time, 2006
Beebe Barksdale-Bruner has
an MFA in poetry from Queens University and a forth-coming book of
poetry from Press 53 in 2007. She has a background in fine arts, a BFA
in painting from UNC-Greensboro and work and awards in ceramics. She
lives with husband and four irresponsible cats.
Katherine Russell Barnes lives
in Wilson, NC. She has had many poems published in literary journals
and anthologies including Crucible,Pembroke Magazine, Wellspring,
Here’s to the Land, Earth and Soul, Poets for Peace,
Mountain Time, and others. She has served on the boards of the
North Carolina Poetry Society and the Poetry Council of North
Frederick W.
Bassett’s poems have appeared in a number of journals,
including Apostrophe, Cairn, Passager, Pembroke Magazine,
Plainsongs, Pudding Magazine, The Cape Rock, and Zone 3. They
were also anthologized in A Millenial Sampler of South Carolina
Poetry (2005), In the Yard (2006) and Mountain Time.
He has two books of “found” poetry both published by Paraclete
Press, Love: The Song of Songs (2002) and Awake My Heart
(1998). A native of Alabama, he lives at Hilton Head with his wife, Peg. Joann
Bishop started writing again after her Grandma passed away
in 2000. She has two children and one granddaughter. She writes about a
variety of things such as family, pets, animals, gardening and places
she has been. She loves to travel and takes a variety of pictures that
she uses for her writing. She has an Associates Degree in Art from CCCC
and is enrolled in an Aspiring Leadership Graduate Program. She is a
member of the NC Poetry Society and Friends of Onslow County Library. Ervene Boyd’s work
has appeared in previous publications of Old Mountain Press. She’s
also published poems in publications such as Windover and Lightworks in
Raleigh, NC, Choices Unlimited in Virginia Beach, VA and Peninsula
Pacemaker in Dover, Delaware. She is a healing minister, artist and
native of Raleigh, NC. Rachel
Bronnum’s poetry has appeared in the anthologies In the Yard
and Mountain Time. A former teacher and a Georgia native, she pursues
her interests in the history, literature, and music of the South through
writing, reading, and playing the piano and mountain dulcimer. Sally
Buckner has published a poetry collection, Strawberry
Harvest, and edited two anthologies of North Carolina literature, Our
Words, Our Ways, and Word and Witness: 100 Years of North
Carolina Poetry. A former journalist now retired from a thirty-year
teaching career, she now lives and writes in Cary, NC. Stuart
Burroughs has been involved since childhood in visual art,
poetry, and music. She has taught English and art. Her art hangs in many
homes. Her collection of poems, Beyond the Hills can be ordered
from Chapel Hill Press (919-942-8389). She lives in Chapel Hill, NC,
where she writes poems, paints, and plays piano for others. Ann
Campanella, formerly a magazine and newspaper editor, turned to
creative writing to nourish her soul. Her poetry collection, What
Flies Away, was published by Main Street Rag in 2006. She lives on a
small farm in Huntersville, NC, with her husband, daughter, and animals. Frank
Craddock is a retired English teacher and antiques dealer
living in Lynchburg, Virginia. In December he published a book of poems
which is a recollection of his childhood living in Roanoke, Virginia, DAY
AVENUE. He is the Vice President of The Poetry Society of Virginia
for the Western Region. Joan D.
Crawford is a wife, mother, grandmother, office manager and
church circle leader among other things. She loves photography and owned
a studio for ten years in her hometown of Kings Mountain, NC. She and
her husband enjoy drag racing as a hobby and spending time with their
granddaughter. Ed Cockrell,
a North Carolina native, has lived in Chapel Hill since 1970. He is a
1973 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and he
works as a research administrator for a major university in Durham, NC.
He also serves as President of the Poetry Council of North Carolina, and
volunteers as newsletter editor for the North Carolina Poetry Society.
Several of his poems have appeared in Pinesong, and he also has a
poem in Earth and Soul, an Anthology of North Carolina Poetry. Leej
Copperfield lives in Raleigh ,North Carolina with her
husband and son. She is a faculty member at Louisburg College.
Currently, she is finishing a novel about Alzheimer’s Disease entitled
One Last Thought. Phebe
Davidson is the author of several collections of poems, most
recently Twelve Leagues In and Song Dog. Recently retired
from academic life, she lives in Westminster, SC with her husband Steve
and their cat Fripp. She is a staff writer for The Asheville Poetry
Review. Tom Davis’ writings
have been published in Poets Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon
Today, Georgia Athlete, The Fayetteville Observer’s Saturday Extra,
A Loving Voice Vol. I and II, and Special Warfare.
He’s authored a collection of short stories, The
Life and Times of Rip Jackson; a children’s coloring book, Pickaberry
Pig; a how to book on writing a ranger patrol order, The
Patrol Order, and an action adventure novel, The
R-complex. Clarence
Eden was born in Gastonia, N.C. He graduated from Wake Forest
College (now University), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in
Wake Forest, NC. He received CLU and ChFC degrees from The America
College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. He lives in Charlotte, NC with his wife. They
have two daughters and four grandchildren. He has published prose in
several venues and his poetry has appeared in a number of journals,
including Pinesong, Kakalak, Iodine, Beginnings, Apostrophe, Thrift,
In The Yard, Mountain Time, and Spinning Words Into Gold (by
Maureen Ryan Griffin, Main Street Rag Publishing Co). His collection, Seasonings,
was released in early September by Main Street Rag Publishing Co. Terri Kirby
Erickson is a faculty member of the Courses for Community
Department at Salem College. Her book of poetry, Thread Count,
was released in January, 2006. Her work has been published or accepted
by a variety of publications, including The Christian Science Monitor,
Old Mountain Press, Paris Voice, Forsyth Woman, the NC Arts Council, El
Paso, Inc., Wild Birds Unlimited, and Natural Triad. One of her new
poems, “My Father,” was accepted into the Northwest Cultural
Council's 2006 International Juried Visual Art and Poetry exhibition.
For more information about her work, please see her web site at: www.geocities.com/thread_count Janice Moore
Fuller, Catawba College’s Writer-in-Residence, has published
two poetry books: Archeology Is a Destructive Science (Scots
Plaid) and Sex Education (Iris Press). Her plays and libretti
have been produced at Hedrick Theatre, Florence Busby Corriher Theatre,
BareBones Theater, Minneapolis Fringe Festival, France’s Rendez-Vous
Musique Nouvelle, and Estonia’s Polli Talu. ANN GERIKE moved to Whidbey Island six years ago from the Midwest. Her poetry has been published in Raven Chronicles, Sea of Voices, Isle of Story, and Sqajet, and has won prizes in contests sponsored by the Washington Poets Association, the Olympia Poetry Society, the Whidbey Island Writers Conference, and the Whidbey Island Writers Association. A retired psychologist, she is the author of Old Is Not a Four-Letter Word: A Midlife Guide (Papier-Mache Press, 1997). Linda
Goldston attended Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. before
receiving her BA degree at East Carolina University and Master of
Divinity at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky. She is a member
of the Brush and Palette Club of Sanford and is Vice-president of the
Lee County Arts Council. Brenda
Graham lives in Denver, NC. Her poems have been published in
journals such as SouthernPoetry Review, Wellspring and Main
Street Rag. She is currently working an inside job. Darcy Jo
Hall grew up on a cattle ranch in western Colorado, a
setting commonly found in her poetry. She earned her MFA in Creative
Writing from Queens University of Charlotte and currently teaches
journalism and writing classes in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Catherine
Ann Haymore, attended Ohio State University after high school but
is largely a self-educated poet. Her preferred poetic form is the sonnet
and her sonnets have been published in a variety of periodicals. She can
be read in Charles Weyant’s chapbook, An Odessy in Broken Rhythms
and Ragged Lines. Joseph
Haymore didn’t write poetry until he was more than sixty
years old. His first poem was a bit of verse to his wife and mentor,
Cathy. He has published a chapbook, Of Love and War and has a
poem cast in bronze on Jim Galucci’s monument, Gates of Sorrow. Van Kea
Henderson lives in Macon, GA. with her husband and two
children. She is the winner of the Eugene Walter Writers Festival Vivian
Smallwood Poetry competition. Her work has been published in Crossroads,
Muscadine Lines, The Dulcimer, In The Yard and Mountain Time. Vertha
Higdon-Odeh, Suma Cum Laude graduate of Rutledge Business College
is a Mary Kay Cosmetics Sales director with two children of her own (Sam
and Nikki) and two children (Marquell and Audrina) of her late sister,
Mary Eaton. She is married (Jamal) and has an Associates Degree in
Merchandising. James Region
Jarrett: Soldier, horseman, teacher, spy. Jerry
Judge is a social worker by profession and lives in
Cincinnati with his gorgeous wife, strong son, three active cats and a
dog who walks him regularly. He is the author of three poetry chapbooks
and has published poetry in over forty journals. His main loves are
family, animal companions, James Wright poetry, blues, Blue Ridge
Mountains, and good beer. K. D.
Kennedy, Jr. has published two books of poetry, Our Place
In Time (2002) and Waiting Out In The Yard (2006). He has
been published in the Barton College Crucible, In the Yard, a
poetry anthology, and several other anthologies. He is presently
writing short stories along with poetry, and is researching a novel when
not gainfully employed or producing theater (Hot Summer Nights At The
Kennedy). Nancy Tripp
King has two books of poetry: tobacco blossoms and the
pulled-tight twine and Those Days When Love Doesn’t Work,
both published by Main Street Rag. She is working on a third collection,
the title changing almost daily. Nancy lives in Jacksonville, NC. Jo Koster
teaches English and writing at Winthrop University and says that most of
her creative writing takes place in her checkbook. Recent poems have
appeared in the anthology Mountain Time and the e-zine More
Than Words. Her most recent chapbook is No Going Home,
published by Devil’s Millhopper Press. She and her cats live in Rock
Hill, SC. Bruce Lader’s full-length
collection, Discovering Mortality (March Street Press, 2005), was
an honorable mention in the 2006 Brockman-Campbell Competition. A former
writer-in-residence at the Wurlitzer Colony, his publications credits
include Poetry, The New York Quarterly, Poet Lore, New Millennium
Writings, Potomac Review, and Mountain Time and other
anthologies. Blanche L.
Ledford’s poetry and prose have appeared in Blue Ridge
Guide, Lights in the Mountains, Carolina Country, and
other journals. She is an avid reader and member of the Georgia Mountain
Writers’ Club. Brenda Kay
Ledford’s poetry and prose have appeared in Pembroke
Magazine, Asheville Poetry Review, Our State, and
other publications. Her poetry chapbook, Shew Bird Mountain, was
published in 2006 by Finishing Line Press. She received the Paul Green
Award for her first poetry book, Patchwork Memories. Suzanne
Baldwin Leitner is the author of one chapbook of poetry, String
Quilt. Her work has appeared in Main Street Rag, Crucible,
Cairn, and elsewhere. She resides in Cornelius, North Carolina
with her husband and their daughter. Betty John
Magill’s poems have appeared in the Lyrisist, Crucible,
Mountain Time and a small collection of her own, Salt and
Solitude. David T.
Manning was winner of the North Carolina Poetry Society’s
Poet Laureate Award in 1996, 1998 and 2006. A Pushcart nominee, his
poems have appeared in many journals and four chapbooks: Negotiating
Physics, and Poets Anonymous (Old Mountain Press); Out
After Dark (Pudding House) and The Ice-Carver,winner of the
2004 Longleaf Chapbook Competition. Terry
McCoy grew up in the hills of east Tennessee. He earned a MA
in English at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee. He
moved to Eastern North Carolina in 1989 where he has taught English and
math at Pamlico Community College in Grantsboro, NC and now teaches math
at New Bern High School and Craven Community College. Halle
Meyer lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and
three children. She is currently working on three children’s books
with timeless messages of life and love entitled The Tree that Knew
How To Trust, The Heart That Could Hold No Hate and The Crumpster. Paul C.
Mitchellwas born in Elizabeth City, NC and lives on Lake
Hartwell, near Clemson, SC. His poetry has appeared in Crucible, Bay
Leaves, Pinesong, In the Yard, and Mountain Time. He has
served on the board of The Poetry Council of North Carolina. He’s an
artist, a potter, a basketmaker, and a United Methodist minister. Rebecca J.
Mitchell has served on the boards of The Poetry Council of
North Carolina and The North Carolina Poetry Society. Her poems have
been published in Tar River, Crucible, Kakalak, Pinesong, Line
Drives, Weymouth, OMP anthologies, other anthologies and journals.
She was born in Wilson, NC and lives near Clemson, SC. Kym Gordon
Moore authored the eBook, Alphabet Soup: 5 Main
Ingredients for Turning Words into a Bowl of Hot Topics! Some of her
writing credits include contributions to Poets for Peace: A
Collection, The Blind Man's Rainbow, The Union Observer, FaithWriters.com,
EzineArticles.com, The Christian Science Monitor and The
Dabbling Mum. Ruth
Moose is a member of the Creative Writing Faculty of the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has two collections of
short stories published by August House: The Wreath Ribbon Quilt, and
Dreaming in Color. She has also published four collections of Poetry:
To Survive, Finding Things in the Dark, Making the Bed, and Smith
Grove. Individual stories and poems have appeared in Atlantic
Monthly, Redbook, The Nation, Yankee, Southern Poetry Review, and
many other places. Moose has been awarded a NC Writers Fellowship, and
five PEN Awards. Also, the Sam Ragan Award for Contributions to the Fine
Arts in North Carolina. Fran
Ostasiewski has a special interest in haiku. His haiku have
appeared in Walking the Same Path, Rose Haiku for Flower Lovers and
Gardeners, and fish in love. His poetry has also appeared in
The Writers’ Group of the Triad’s multi-genre anthology, Wordworks. Margaret L.
Parrish’spoems have appeared in Poets for Peace, Mountain
Time, Bay Leaves, The Lyricist, and other publications. She lives
and works in Raleigh. Krassimira
Popova is a Bulgarian with degrees from St. Cyril, and
Methodius University, Bulgaria, in English Philology and Pacific Western
University, Los Angeles, CA, in Business Administration. She is
currently working as an English language teacher and interpreter. She is
the author of two poetry collections, Sun and Cry and is a
Distinguished Member of the International Society of Poets, US. Her work
was chosen to be published in the upcoming compendium of poetry by
Noble House publishers, UK in 2006. Joyce
Richardson is the author of one novel, On Sunday Creek.
Her poetry chapbook, The Reader will be coming out this fall from
Pudding House Publications. She lives and writes in Athens, Ohio. Pat
Riviere-Seel is President of the NC Poetry Society. Her
first collection of poetry, No Turning Back Now, was published by
Finishing Line Press in 2004 and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She
earned an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte and currently lives in
Asheville, NC. Her poems have appeared in various journals. Rev. Dena M.
Rock is a Member of the Board of the Writers’ Ink Guild in
Fayetteville, NC. Her poetry has appeared in the Phoenix, Fields
of Earth and in Charles Weyant’s, An Odyssey in Broken Rhythms
and Ragged Lines. Her short stories have been listened to,
worldwide, on www.WitchcraftRadio.com.
Dena is currently writing fantasy and Pagan tales for magickal children
of all ages. Louise
Rockwell and her husband live in Davidson, North Carolina. Her
poem, “Visiting the Gearings in Grouse Glen,” was written about her
old neighborhood in the foothills of the Laurel Mountains. The Gearings,
dear friends... always remembered with love. Lynn Veach
Sadler, a former college president, has published widely in
academics and creative writing. Editor, poet, fiction/ creative
nonfiction writer, and playwright, she has a full-length poetry
collection forthcoming (RockWay Press). One story appears in Del Sol’s
Best of 2004 Butler Prize Anthology; another won the 2006 Abroad
Writers Contest/Fellowship. Her short short submission, “Shamus,” is
adapted from “The Shamus Maccabeus.” Earth’s Daughters 66. Up
and Down. 66 (2004): 6-7. Andrea Selch is
the author of two collections of poetry: Startling (Turning Point
Books, 2004) and Succory (Carolina Wren Press, 2000). Her poems
have been published in Prairie Schooner, Asheville Poetry
Review, Oyster Boy Review and The MacGuffin, among
others. She joined the board of Carolina Wren Press in 2002 and is now
its President. Kimberly
Jane Simms is the director of Wits End Poetry, a non-profit
poetry organization in Greenville, SC. She is a first generation
American who grew up in Greenville, SC and holds a Master of Arts in
English. Her newest collection is entitled Lindy Lee: Songs on Mill
Hill. Barbara M.
Simon’s work has been appearing in magazines and
anthologies for the past 20 years. Most recently, she has been published
in OCTOPUS DREAMS, a collection of poetry by Baltimore poets
about Baltimore. She is president of Maryland State Poetry &
Literary Society. Dorothea
Spiegel is a member of Georgia Mountain Writers’ Club. She
has edited newsletters and had articles published in newspapers in NY,
FL, GA and NC. Her poetry appears in Atahita Journal, Freeing Jonah
II, III and IV, Lights in the Mountains, The Spirit of Christmas,
and Mountain Time. Dorothy Anne
Spruzen is a candidate for an MFA in Creative Writing at Queens
University of Charlotte. She has also studied with Abigail De Witt
(Lily) and in another life was Manager of Publications at Grumman Data
Services in Northern Virginia. She recently won the grand prize in a
character description contest run by Writing for Money. Her short story,
The Shoe, was published in Duke University’s Bishop’s House Review,
and another, Crescendo, in Mosaic; Tender Loving Care was a finalist in
a Glimmer Train short story contest. She is a member of the Writer’s
Center in Bethesda, Maryland, Mystery Writers of America, and Sisters in
Crime. Dennis Ward
Stiles grew up on a dairy farm in northern Illinois. He
graduated from the USAF Academy in 1964 and spent thirty years in
service as a pilot and military diplomat. His poetry has appeared in
many distinguished journals. Pudding House Publications issued his
latest chapbook, A Strange Wind Rises, in 2006. He lives in
Charleston, South Carolina, where he is co-owner of America by Foot,
Inc., a large walking-tour company. Laura Licata
Sullivanis the author of two books of poetry, both published by
Old Mountain Press. She and her family live in Orange County, New York. Gilda Morina
Syverson is the author of the chapbook In This Dream
Everything Remains Inside, published in 2004 by Main Street Rag. She
is the 2006 First Place recipient of the Deane Ritch Lomax Poetry Award,
presented by the Charlotte Writers’ Club. She lives with her husband
in Cornelius, NC. Christopher
R. Vierckis a poet who writes at a fevered pace. He has been
known to write two, three, or four poems a day when the heat strikes.
His first published poem appeared courtesy of Old Mountain Press and his
second is set to appear in Mourning Katrina: A Poetic Response to
Tragedy. He holds a B.A. in English Literature at Pitzer College and
has studied with numerous poets for the last twenty years. He currently
resides in Lenoir, NC. Glenda S.
Wilkins’, work has been published in both the USA, and Europe.
More recently, her work appears in The Village Rambler Magazine –
Nov/Dec 2006, and Mountain Time, A Poetry Anthology. She and her
husband live in Grifton, NC, along with Bustopher, the cat about town. M. Quickmon
Willis currently resides in coastal N.C. where, as a descendent
of shore whalers and Lumbee Indian farmers, he was raised before a
17-year hiatus abroad where this poem found its genesis. His poems have
appeared in Europe (Paris Atlantic, Quantum Leap, and Orbis) and
most recently in, Rattle, Southern Arts Journal, Small Spiral
Notebook, In the Yard and Washington Square in the US. Nancy H.
Womack’s poems have appeared in The Mentor, Teaching English
in the Two Year College, and The Thomas Wolfe Review. She
holds a Ph. D. in British literature from the University of South
Carolina and is dean of Arts and Sciences at Isothermal Community
College in Spindale NC. Barbara
Ledford Wright’s writing has appeared in Moonshine and Blind
Mules, and was Associate Editor of the anthology. She is a member of
Cleveland County Historical Society and has done extensive genealogical
research. She is past regent of the Benjamin Cleveland Chapter DAR. C. Pleasants York has published two books of poetry, Pleasantries and Weaver of Destiny. She and her husband, Guy, serve as Second Vice President of the North Carolina Poetry Society, and she is President of the Lee County Arts Council. She collects antique, Valentines, and purple cows.
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