Mountain Lakes: A Poetry and Prose Anthology

Status: Estimated: 50 to 90 pages perfect bound. 15 March--15 Apr 2025 Cover photo by Pollyanna Dunn.

  • Submissions accepted only via on line form (added to this page later). 
  • Submissions accepted from a former contributor or someone recommended by a former contributor.
  • Only one submission per poet/writer.
  • Poem may not exceed 37 lines (includes title author's name and a blank line prior to the poem) flash fiction should not exceed 325 words (bottom line is that the flash fiction must fit on a 5.5"x8.5" page with .5 top and bottom and .75 right and left margins) Poetry lines that  exceed 55 letters and spaces will wrap and count as two lines.
  • NOTE: Contributors may purchase the book at a reduced rate upon publication. 
Old Mountain Press  

will publish a collection of poetry by a number of poets.  Our goal is to gather enough quality poems and flash fiction for an estimated 50 to 90 page book with the theme to go with the cover (to your right):  Anything  about the mountains or lakes, rivers, oceans or the people who live there or Spring. Would like to have as many poets involved as possible.  Requirements are below. Authors receive publishing credit and retain all rights to their work but agree to the inclusion of their poem in this collection of poetry.

  • Author must have rights to the poem (previously published OK). 
  • Poem may not exceed 38 lines flash fiction may not exceed 325 words (this includes title, spaces, and author's name). 
  • Poetry lines that  exceed 55 letters and spaces will wrap and count as two lines.
  • Initially, only one poem/flash fiction per writer, so give it your best shot:-)
  • Sample title and first line below

Title of Poem/Flash Fiction
Author's Name

Begin poem/flash fiction

Submit Your Work


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About the book

Anything about the mountains or lakes, rivers, oceans or the people who live there.  


Grandfather Mountain

     Dwight L. Roth


Can you see the face // weathered and worn

Like a long-lost Egyptian Pharaoh // unwrapped

after two thousand years in the heart of a pyramid?

Rugged and strong // the image of dominating power

Lies with face to the sun // the rain // the snow and ice.

Exfoliation giving character and increasing interest.

Can you imagine this face // created at the beginning of time

shaped and molded at creation by the hand of God

raised up // unearthed to lay forever looking to the sky

reminding all who dare walk on his forehead…

that he will outlast us all! 

DWIGHT ROTH is a retired elementary teacher from Eastern, NC. He lives in Monroe, NC with his wife Ruth and publishes a poetry blog on Word Press. He has poems published in Old Mountain Press poetry anthologies and North Carolina Bards Anthology. His self-published books of poetry as well as children’s books that can be found on Amazon. Dwight lives with his wife Ruth near Monroe, NC.

Swim 6.5 Miles in a Snow Storm

Tom Davis


WHEN I WAS assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group in Ft. Devens, MA, I commanded a combat dive team. Whenever a mission impossible came down from on high, we got it. SO when the Special Forces School wanted a team to test Viking dry suites under extreme conditions, who you gonna call?! ODA 232!

     The ambient temperature was in the high teens with a water temperature in the low 30’s. We swam in the Atlantic and Groton’s Thames River with the a Navy Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM) following us in support. This was the same type of ship that I’d taken out to Hon Tre Island when I first arrived in Vietnam.

     After a few swims, we discovered we had to wear ¼-inch neoprene mittens rather than the five-finger gloves. When the water hit our faces, it immediately froze. So for protection, we coated our faces with gobs of Vaseline. This way the ice freezing on our faces didn’t touch our skin. Of course, our eyebrows caked with ice. Although we wore heavy woolen socks, the cold was so numbing that when we completed a couple of hours swimming with fins, we weren’t able to stand, much less walk, for several minutes. Swimming under these severe conditions proved a challenge, to say the least.

     On our last 6.5-mile swim down the Thames River, it snowed. We swam in pairs, and, as usual, my team sergeant Ron Brockelman and I swam together. When we finally got to the LCM with our legs numbed by the cold, the Navy guys had to carry us to the rear of the ship. The Navy Chief in charge said, "This really sucks! You guys are just crazy!"

     And with a big grin stretching across his face, Brockelman shot back, "Chief, you ain’t going to believe this, but this is the most fun I ever had with my clothes on." That Brockelman.

     We terminated the testing by conducting a parachute jump into the Atlantic. When I climbed aboard the recovery ship, Fort Devens’ post commander leaned over and shook my hand.

TOM DAVIS’ publishing credits include Poets Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today, Georgia Athlete, The Fayetteville Observer’s Saturday Extra, A Loving Voice Vol. I and II, Special Warfare., and Winston-Salem Writers’ POETRY IN PLAIN SIGHT program for 2013 and 2021. He has authored several books. Tom, a retired Special Forces soldier, has written and published his memoir, The Most Fun I Ever Had With My Clothes On: A March From Private to Colonel.

About the Authors 

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