De Oppresso Liber: A Poetry and Prose Anthology
By Special Forces Soldiers
94 page perfect bound OMP thanks all those who have contributed to this work. Temporarly out of stock
Old Mountain Press
Poems and short stories are all submitted by Special Forces qualified soldiers and are about Special Forces Operations and war in general. It expresses the soldier's observations and feelings about combat operations past and present. Included works range from the exceptional to the absurd:-) All are very interesting! This one of a kind book will be a collector's item. see a sample poem below. About the Book
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Army CPT Henry J. Briscoe, a WWII
[503rd PIR in Pacific (Combat jump on Corregidor)] and Korean War (7th
ID) rifle company commander, was awarded a Silver Star in each war as well
as a Soldiers Medal, Navy/Marine Medal, Bronze Star, and two Purple Hearts.
He was his son’s hero. Submitted by his son, COL (R) Chuck Briscoe L.H.
“Bucky” Burruss served two
tours in the 5th SFG’s country-wide reaction force, the Nha Trang Mike
Force. He is the author of five books: Mike Force, a Mission for Delta,
Clash of Steel, Heart of the Storm, and All That Matters.
He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1987 after serving as Deputy Commander
of the Delta Force. Howard
B, Cohen’s M.D.Col.(Ret) poems can
be found in his volume of poetry No Slack Authorized. The poems
are about the Vietnam war and are taken from his experience and stories
told to him by wounded soldiers he cared for at Fitzsimons Hospital. Thomas
(Tom) Hoyt Davis, III (AKA
The Squid), holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Georgia
and a master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Tom entered
the Army as a private and retired as a full colonel. He spent 20 of his
30+ years in the Army serving with Special Forces on four continents and
in ten foreign countries. He has worn a Green Beret at every rank from
2LT to Colonel and commanded at every level from A Teams to a Joint Special
Operations Task Force. The various A Teams he commanded specialized in
Mountaineering, Underwater Operations, High Altitude Low Opening (HALO)
parachute techniques, and Small Atomic Demolitions Munitions (SADM). In
addition to the Army’s Command and General Staff College and Army War College,
he has attended Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, Underwater Operations
(UWO), Danish Combat Swimmer, Special Forces Surface Swimmer Infiltration
Technique Course, High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) parachute school, Small
Atomic Demolitions Munitions (SADM) and many others. He has had numerous
articles and short stories published in professional and literary magazines.
He has also had published a collection of short stories, The
Life and Times of Rip Jackson Growing up Southern and his first
action adventure novel, The
R-complex. Jeffrey
Armadillo Mother Forker’s Poetry
has never appeared anywhere, and actually has been outlawed in the Western
Hemisphere, due to matters of taste and style. Nonetheless, Jeff continues
to write late into most nights. “It’s either that or drink,” Jeff likes
to tell detractors who often beg him to stop writing. Author’s note: In
the poem “Tears from Sand,” Miller is Rick Schad, who has changed his last
name since his 5th Group days.
A. Gluzinski, CWO3(R), 180A’s work
is a published poet and a distinguished member and ambassador of the International
Poet Society. He writes poetry in many forms and styles to express his
thoughts, feelings and emotions from his life experiences. Many of his
works have an intellectual flair with deep philosophical perspectives.
The work is for your intellectual stimulation, reading pleasure and personal
reflection. He is currently working on a book of poetry for publication
entitled The Warrior Mind. This work is completely in Japanese forms
using Haiku, Senryu, Tanka and others. You can find some of his work on and also On look under the pen name skydyv. Greg
Hoisington’s poetry and short
stories have appeared on latrine walls and other seamy locations,
as well as on munitions, in various parts of the world, often times under
different names. If he told you any more, he would have to kill you... James
R. Jarrett soldier, horseman,
teacher, spy. It has been one hell of a ride. Project Delta Recon, 5th
Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces. RICK SCHAD is also known throughout the Special Forces community by his adopted name: Rick Miller. He legally changed his name back to Schad in 1994.Schad graduated from Special Forces training in 1982. He served in the 5th Special Forces Group as a communications sergeant on ODA-553 and ODA-551. While serving in the 5thGroup, Rick traveled to Sicily and Egypt. He transferred to the 7th Special Forces Group in 1986, first serving as a platoon sergeant then as the communications sergeant on ODA-786. His assignments with the 7th Group took him to Panama, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Belize. Rick became a Special Forces Instructor in 1989 and returned to the 7th Group in 1992 to assume the operations sergeant slot on ODA-743. He left the Army in 1996 holding the rank of Sergeant First Class. He has a Bachelor of Science in Police Studies from Eastern Kentucky University, where he is also enrolled in the Industrial Education M.S. program. He is presently working on two books for publication: A Boy Among Titans and A War Within.. Schad wrote the poem, “Burning Questions” (included in this work) when he was sixteen years old. This poem was folded and carried in his wallet all through Basic, AIT, Jump School, Morse Code training, and SFQC. He has several published articles in the Kentucky Law Enforcement Magazine. Schad lives with his wife Shelia in Lexington, Kentucky. Their four children – Tina, Ashley, Jessica, and Nick are all away at college.