![]() This book is a great book for golfers from all walks of life. For the Christian a way to learn to be better at golf AND a way to learn to be used by God in new and dramatic ways. For the unbeliever it makes a great gift since there is a great evangelistic message that goes with it that ties golf with God! The book is 7.00. ISBN 0-9720611-0-x .
Excerpts VIDEO YOURSELF I remember when I got my first video lesson. WOW! I remember my pro telling me, “You sure do a lot with your body for what little power you get out of it!” I could not believe it! I was sure I was as silky smooth as Els and had the flexibility of Woods. I was a poster child for some creative dance class is what I should of been. 1 John 1:8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. I had this boss in the Navy that was
a typical sailor. He did everything under the sun that was a sin to God.
I remember one conversation that we had that arose when I was at a table
reading my Bible and he threw a sock at me and started laughing. He said
“Why are you reading that all the time? Don’t you know you just have to
‘Not sin’ and you’ll be all right?” Understanding the complete ignorance
of what was just said I had to bite my lip from laughing because I sensed
he was being sincere about what he was saying! He then told me that if
you don’t sin you don’t need anybody to take your sin away! I then told
him that we all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. And he
shook his head and said “No, not me. I’ve never sinned.”
John also writes in chapter 2 in verses 21-23
So we are born in wickedness but reborn and adopted into the family of God! Eph 1:5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will–
About the Author Ron Christensen has been teaching the Bible for nine years and is a certified member of the Professional Golf Teachers Association of America. He is president of Whole In One Golf Ministries that encourages Christians
to be apart and active in their church and to use the gifts and talents
that God has given them to encourage others in the church and to reach
the lost. He does retreats (golf of course) that tie in with the lessons
in the book and speaking engagements.