Hello...Is Anybody Listening by Joan Marie Ambrose, 122 pg. perfect bound ISBN: 0-9718654-7-7. Have you had enough pain in your life yet? What if you could learn to improve the quality of your life by changing your attitudes, behavior, and environment...would you be interested? Contained within the pages of this book, Hello...Is Anybody Listening?!, are the solutions to your life’s problems. Are you ready to hear them? This book will give you a road map to follow that will enable you to hear the message that your Inner Child, Your Inner Intelligence, is trying desperately to share. Send check or money order for payment $ 16.99 + $3.50 P & H to: Serenity House, 5 Sicomac Road # 112, North Haledon, NJ  07508. 
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Hello...Is AnyBody Listening?! by Joan Marie Ambrose

About the Book

Each one of us has the power within to heal...we just haven’t remembered how to tap into this power. Peace, joy, laughter, and prosperity are our birthright. The wisdom gained in reading this book “Hello...Is Anybody Listening?!” will enable you to quiet the mind, feed the soul, heal the body and gain inner peace. The power is within you. Your Little Child within is waiting for you to listen.
Carolina Comfort
About the Author

Joan Marie Ambrose, a powerful and enthusiastic lecturer, author and spiritual counselor speaks completely from you heart as she energizes her audiences with her message of love, that is self-love. She sends a message that is simple, yet packed with truth and clarity. She believes that when you can change what you believe, you change what you do. This can only come from understanding. Joan Marie has dedicated her life to sharing a message of healing love to the world. Her new book Hello...Is Anybody Listening?! shares life experiences, quotes and insights that will capture your attention, stir your heart and plant a seed for change. Have you ever felt lost, confused and in pain especially in light of what is happening around the world at this time. Do you live in fear, anger, resentment and guilt? This book has been written to help people–men, women and children awaken to the possibility of changing that negative mind set. We, as individuals, all have the power within us to heal our mind, body and spirit if and when we make the choice to change our attitudes and our thoughts. One person at a time, we can change the thinking and the mentality of the people on this planet. Isn’t it time to stop...listen...find out what you can do to make it happen for you.  Joan Marie Ambrose is available to speak to businesses, church or community groups and school assemblies. Her message of healing love and light will improve the quality of your life...This is your opportunity to explore your options.

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