A Legacy of Love by Tina M. Phelps, 48 pages, saddle-stapled work,  ISBN 1-931575-07-X.  Published by in New Renaissance Press conjunction with Old Mountain Press

Written to celebrate the lives of a father and three brothers untimely passing, this book of poetry movingly portrays the love, faith and help for the healing process that memories provide and shows the enduring spirit that resides in all of us in timesof tragedy.

To order, send check or money order for $15.00 plus $2.00 P&H to Tina M. Phelps, 1146 East 27th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania 16504.

A Legacy of Love

Sample Poem

     Take Time

Take time to breath
the fresh crisp air
that sweeps upon
your morning stair.
Take time to smell
the sweet-laid dew
that sits before you
moist and new.
Take time to feel
the dawning sun
that tells you morning
has just begun.
Take time to hear
the robin sing
a beautiful concerto
upon rising.
Take time to thank
the Lord above
for all the gifts
he has bestowed on us,
and as you go on your
merry way,
thank the Lord
for another day.

Tina Phelps
c. 2001

About the Author
A 42 year-old mother of one, Tina Phelps is of Irish-Italian decent born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania who wished to commemorate the lives of a father and three brothers untimely passing by celebrating their lives together through her poetry.

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