THE BOOK Touching, enlightening, overwhelming, and
powerful are some of the words that come to mind when reading No Longer
Will I Hide The Stranger In My Bed a book by new comer Patricia
Williams. Patricia, a Christian writer, shares some very personal and
private times in her life. She starts with her childhood, and how she grew
up having to endure tragic things that should never happen to anyone, let
alone an innocent child. She then goes on to share how she endured an
abusive marriage, maintained a family and through it all continued to
trust in God. This book gives hope to anyone whether you are in any kind
of abusive relationship, whether physical, or mental or not. This book
encourages anyone who reads it to be strong and trust in God and always
let Him guide your every step in life. This book is a must read for all!
Cheryl Dickens
Pensacola Voice
Oldest African American Newspaper in Florida

After almost 18 years in an abusive relationship, I was inspired to write
this book to help others in similar situations. My prayer is that my
compelling true story gives you strength to seek spiritual and/or
professional counseling.
Some of the horrors that I experienced at the
hands of my husband are so horrific that you’ll wonder how I
survived. Boiling-hot grits were thrown in my face. I was beaten
with a belt buckle from my head to my feet. I was stuck with pins until I
bled profusely. I survived only through the grace of God.
Events like this were a common occurrence.
My home was a war zone, with my husband using the ammunition of mental,
verbal, and physical abuse. I never knew how to play. No
one prepared me for this kind of war. Almost immediately, I became shell
shocked until I realized that if I stayed in this destructive battlefield
I would leave my home in a body bag.
The Lord has delivered me from the pain, and He
can do the same for you. Learn how God brought me out, and find out
how God can change the course of your life.
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