the Book Our Place In Time covers a wide
assortment of topics, both practical and philosophical. These poems are
metered and rhymed as well as free-verse. This book of poems is written in
a multitude of styles that seemed to the author the best way to present
each subject. The author hopes that reading this book of poetry will
assist the reader to better define each’s “...Place In Time.”

Sample of the Work
Our Place In Time
A dew drop glistened her lapel.
A robin’s song kissed the morn.
Our whispered words of sweet bliss fell,
on no ears through the mist and thorn.
A peace lay on this hilly moor,
as morning’s pale Sun full arose.
This Ayrshire knoll we both adore,
our Scots place of loving repose.
Unlike life stations, but this our time,
sweet refuge from worldly ways.
We mused of past lovers, here sublime,
who flared brightly, then vanished in haze.
Back to Maybole we slowly strolled,
heads bowed in thoughts of woe.
Each other’s virtues, our lips extolled,
as our robin chased off the crow.
Readers' Comments
“Thank you for your excellent book. I read it cover to cover and enjoyed
all of them, especially “Keepsakes”, “Search for God”, and “A
Boy and His Bear”. I found your style of poetry very believable and
understandable. The collection is a page turner!”
Dr. Paul A. Willis
Dean of Libraries
Thomas Cooper Library
University of South Carolina.
“I found that I was drawn from one poem to another by the images and
snapshots you presented…from the romantic poems to the universal ones…this
book provides an insightful viewpoint.”
Dr. Hope Williams
Executive Director of North Carolina Independent Colleges and
“While reading through Our Place In Time, I read your poem ‘The
Perfect Performance’ and suddenly realized why we do what we do. Thank
you for bringing me back to a place where the world makes some sense.”
William Jones
Executive Director of The North Carolina Theatre.
“I started reading Our Place In Time and as it turned out
would not put it down until I had read every poem. I share Mr. Kennedy’s
curiosity about what is our place and why we are in it. This collection
provides a lot of insight to me through his thoughts and I felt much
better after having read it.”
Sam Hunt
former Chairman of the North Carolina Highway Commission and Burlington
“Thanks for sharing your lovely, soothing, and entertaining book of
poems. I sat down to read a few this morning and ended up reading it cover
to cover. You touched many common feelings about family and places and
eternal questions. ‘Keepsakes’ especially struck me as very wise and
reinforcing! Thank you!”
Mary Moss
lawyer and homemaker in Raleigh, N.C.
A Poet’s Sigh
What meteor sped down from space
to herald this book’s time and place.
What Herculean god out there
gave up this inspiration’s care.
How lucky can one poet be
to grasp these insights clean and free.
I hope I’ve filled some great world need,
to transmit these ideas, indeed.
But when it flies forth from my nest,
to some new home, to share its best,
I’ll muse and finally understand
that it was wrote by mortal man.
Each reader places final seal,
as to my book’s worthy appeal.
Yet, I’ll love it on any day,
a poet, author, parent’s way.
About the Author
K.D. Kennedy, Jr. is the son of Dorothy and Kenneth D. Kennedy,
and grew up in the picturesque, friendly, coastal plain North
Carolina town of Wilson. Although he always wanted to understand how
things worked, especially the human psyche, he wasn’t educated in
psychology, the arts, or creative writing. Instead, enjoying eating
and having a roof over his head, he became an electrical engineer
with a BSEE from Duke University and a MEE from N.C. State
Being introduced into the arts by his first and only wife, Sara
Lynn, he began to “open a new window” for himself and his family
about twenty-five years ago. Soon thereafter, he began acting,
singing, writing, fundraising, and sharing his business and
technical acumen with the Raleigh arts community. This passion
became a family affair as his children, Katherine, Lauren, and
Michael have become, to differing degrees, professional performers
in musical recording and theater. His oldest son, Ken, due to his
lack of artistic fervor, thinks possibly that he was adopted.
Life experiences such as listening to grandchildren and
electrical contractors, walking the beaches and mountains of North
Carolina, and traveling through Scotland, have enhanced his poetic
point-of-view. Volunteer work with Barton College, North Carolina
Theater, and reading and listening to great poets, has added
immeasurably to his understanding of humanity. Although one can
never be an expert in this field, more study is both necessary and
enjoyable! Living for thirty-seven years beside one who is beautiful
in so many ways, Sara Lynn Riley Kennedy, has lovingly nurtured his
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