RENEGADES When Rebellious Leadership Wields Toxic Power in the Body of Christ 978-0-692-03077-6 by Dr. Charles E. Reese 110 pages It is thought provoking, challenging, and spirit-filled mandate for leaders in the local church; a wake-up call for all facets of leadership in the church.

To order send check or money order in the amount of $11.50, which includes shipping and handling to: Jubilee Resources, P.O. Box 863681, Plano, Texas 75086. Make payable to Jubilee Resources.

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About the Book
About the Author

About the book

RENEGADES is thought provoking, challenging, and spirit-filled mandate for leaders in the local church; a wake-up call for all facets of leadership in the church.

Sample of the work:

"The weather conditions surrounding the institutional church are threatening... Christian morality has been forfeited on the altar of greed and hypocrisy".

"Aiming for a star and missing is not failure; Low aim, not aiming at all, is failure"

It is the author’s desire that every clergy and layperson receives this eye-opening work on the importance of spiritual leadership within the House of God.


About the Author

Charles E. Reese is a Renaissance man. Gifted as an impressive and imaginative preacher and pastor, he is also a thought-provoking writer, innovator, dynamic teacher, administrator, visionary, musician,

college lecturer, motivational speaker, mentor, and trusted friend to many throughout the nation.

Currently serving as Founder/CEO of Jubilee Resource Initiatives, and most recently as Founder/Organizer of SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) of Collin County, which includes Piano, Frisco, Allen, McKinney, Richardson, and surrounding municipalities, Dr. Reese’s impetus derives from having served in various pastorates which demonstrated sensitivity for souls in need, both socially and spiritually.

A native of Dallas and a graduate of the "Great James Madison High School" in South Dallas, he has earned degrees from Bishop College and Southern Methodist University - Perkins School of Theology, culminating with an earned doctorate from Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Missouri. He has served as a pastor for over four decades in Texas, Ohio, and North Carolina, including teaching as an adjunct professor at John Carroll University and The University of Toledo. Additionally he has served on the chaplaincy staff at Presbyterian Hospital (Piano), and as a Clinical Pastoral Therapist Intern at Samaritan Counseling Center, North Carolina.

A member of various boards and commissions, Dr. Reese's travels on behalf of ministry have taken him to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The Greater Cleveland Interchurch Council bestowed upon him the honor of speaking at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv on its behalf while serving a pastorate in Ohio.

Dr. Reese and wife, Annie Eloise, are the proud parents of three adult children and ten grandchildren. They reside in Collin County.

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