Revelations of the Soul by Loyce L. Smith ISBN 0-9788032-0-5 perfect bound 102 pages $12.00 plus #2.50 P&H. is indeed rightly named because it reveals the make-up, the different facets of the soul. It delves into the conscious and subconscious minds, and reveals the way they operate in relationship to one another.
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Loyce Smith
1130 Warren Ave. Apt. #510
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About the Book
About the Author

Revelations of the Soul is indeed rightly named because it reveals the make-up, the different facets of the soul. It delves into the conscious and subconscious minds, and reveals the way they operate in relationship to one another.

These revelations did not come from the author’s mind. They are not wise sayings she picked up from people along the road of life. These revelations come directly from God.

These revelations that the author has written came straight from God. He said to her, “Your pen is a weapon against the enemy. These revelations are going to set millions free.”
So, here they are and the author prays that everyone who reads this book will be blessed by it.

About the Author

Loyce Smith lives in Downer Grove, Illinois. She is retired.

In 1994, while living in Tacoma, Washington with her daughter, Annita Gail, God spoke to her and told her to write a book. She blew it off saying, This could not be God. No one in my family has even written anything!” So for a few years, it was forgotten.

After her daughter got out of the military (she was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington), they went back to Chicago, Illinois, where all of her immediate family lived.

She has five children that she raised alone.

One Sunday night, in 1997, she was attending a visiting church. After the service, the pastor came up to her and, out of the blue, said, “Write a book, and hurry!”

That was her confirmation that it was indeed God that had told her to write a book. Immediately, she started putting together the revelations that God had given her about herself.

She came to the Lord at the age of fifteen, got married at the age of nineteen, and had five children by that union. She and her husband separated when she was twenty-three. She had four children and one on the way when they separated. She was determined to raise the children in a Godly atmosphere, and she did. Though it all, she stayed with God.

Now that she has retired, she is dedicated to writing books about the struggles of life, which came from her own experiences, and how God gave her the wherewithal to make it through them all!

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