About the book
Perhaps the best way to describe this book is with the following poem.
Poems I thought should mostly rhyme
So now perhaps would be the time
To write a book I'd understand
If it were held within my hand
I find no fault, do not oppose
Those writing poems in mostly prose
But there are those who would, I'm sure
Prefer their poetry mostly pure
I am no expert certainly
No Masters of Fine Arts Degree
No formal training spent on me
Just simple life is what I see
I bring you a collection of
A wide range of the things I love
With subject matter quite diverse
And written here in mostly verse
Samples of the work:
The Captain of Garden Paradise
A little boy just home from school
Home from a world too often cruel
Now safe from hurtful words and pain
Into his own garden domain
And watching from the windowsill
His mother sees he’s smiling still
She watches as his crutches fall
Next to the fountain pool he crawls
She proudly watches him in awe
Her little boy in Shangri-la
That little boy, his puppy too
They’re having fun, like others do
Into the brook, next to him flows
He tosses petals, petals of rose
Petals of poppies floating with ease
Rowboats and sailboats kissed by the breeze
But his favorite by far were the miniature ships
Scented kissed petals from his mother’s tulips
Commissioned set sail in an eddy close by
Surrounded by violets reflecting the sky
And as the sun begins to set
Across the bay the silhouette
Of boy and dog pushed by the breeze
Returning from the seven seas
Returning home from foreign lands
The tired and hungry Captain stands
His mother at the windowsill
Still watching him and always will
Puddle Goo
Passing by that shingled shack
I found myself then looking back
A little poor girl playing there
In tattered clothes and tangled hair
That springtime muddy barefoot child
Of innocence and tender smile
Looked up at me as she walked through
The muddy chocolate puddle goo
That tender smile upon her face
Brought back a different time and place
A time with me, my daughter too
Would walk barefoot in puddle goo
On The Dock
I saw you just the other day
And though we never met
Under the moon and in the dark
I saw your silhouette
There on the dock down by the beach
You stood there looking out
As one lone ship became a dot
You slowly turned about
I saw the moon light up your face
And tears wiped from your eyes
And just before the fog rolled in
You waved your last goodbyes
I had no reason but that night
I searched for you in vain
I searched all night, the next day too
That June in all it’s rain
Two summers passed, I looked in vain
My foolish search for you
To spend my life in agony
For one I never knew
Then in my agony, I met
One day down by the sea
A girl that soon became a friend
For she attracted me
We walked and talked along the beach
And under stars above
We even talked of names and kids
That summer fell in love
But though in love, my thoughts were of
The girl seen on the pier
That story of, I soon must tell
The one now standing here
That moonlit night, I’d make it right
We walked on to the pier
And at the end, I turned to her
My eyes now filled with tears
She turned and smiled and said one time
That tears came to her eyes
When once her brother’s ship had sailed
And she waved her goodbyes |

About the Author
Daniel L. Swett grew up in a small town in the beautiful Monadnock region
of Southwestern New Hampshire. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from
Nathaniel Hawthorne College and an Associates degree in Engineering at New
Hampshire Technical Institute.
serving in the armed services, Daniel had the privilege and opportunity to
travel widely in the southern part of the United States as well as
throughout much of Europe. These times far from home, combined with his
life growing up in rural New England, provided a unique blend of varied
experiences, which he has incorporated into his writings.
lifestyle of his grandfather, Perley Swett, a well-known self-proclaimed
poet and area legend, known locally as the "Hermit of Taylor
Pond", may well have influenced the author’s poetry.
Daniel Swett
is also related, although somewhat more distantly, to one of America's
most famous 19th century poets, John Greenleaf Whittier. As Whittier did
so successfully, the author attempts in Inconsequential Essentials
to present his poetry in a style that also captures the beauty of
simplicity with carefully selected lyrical lines.
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